segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

A família real parada no tempo

Prepare for the reign of Charles the Meddler | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer:
The royal family's willingness to ban Labour prime ministers from the wedding has already told us much about the monarchy's ideology. After that cheap snub, I hope to hear less self-deluding babble from Labour leaders about the Windsors being "above politics". If they cannot see that royal rule is a justification for conservatism, surely they must now realise that royals are Tories and their political opponents.

The Windsors' decision to address deposed monarchs as if they were sovereigns rather than private citizens is, if anything, more revealing. A king is still a king in their eyes. Even if "his" people don't want him, divine right or dead tradition gives him a presumptuous and ineradicable claim to be head of state.
Update: Este post deveria ter sido publicado no meu blog de bookmarks, e eu publiquei aqui por engano. Peço perdão, mas fica o convite para acompanhar os artigos e posts que ando lendo, mesmo que sem comentários meus e em algumas ocasiões comigo discordando do texto.

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