sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013

cientistas e políticos

Fishing for certainty -- Nature
When in 1995 I moved into policy-making, managing fisheries in the northeastern United States, I learned that advice comes from all directions. Scientists would present data with many caveats; others would give advice based mainly on opinion. Fishermen coming to the microphone in a public meeting might categorically state that the science was wrong, the rules wouldn't work and everyone would go out of business. Scientists tended to emphasize their uncertainty, and would be unwilling to speculate.

As scientists, we learn to analyse uncertainty and we explore decision-making in the light of that uncertainty. This is important, but we must also recognize that the precautionary approach will be adopted only slowly in policy-making. Uncertainty undermines political will in environmental decision-making. Officials are more likely to support a vociferous interest group that is apparently certain of the dire economic consequences of new restrictions, than scientists who advocate caution and prioritize the environment.

(uma anotação antiga que estava na lista de rascunhos)

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